The following conversation occurred while Beatrice was sitting on the toilet before bed.
"Mummy, why can't God see me?"
"He can see you."
"Why can't I see him?"
"Because he is invisible."
"What size is he?"
"He is everywhere"
"Is that huge?"
"Yes, very huge."
"The pink one said that God is busy. Is he?"
"Which pink one?"
- sigh - "When the hippo and the penguin were trying to get to God on the cloud there was a pink one and a blue one and they said God was too busy."
"Did you see that in a book?"
"No! It was in the television."
"Well, God is never too busy to listen when you want to talk to him."
"Does he listen to Josie when she is saying silly things?"
"Yes, and God laughs at the silly things."
"Mummy, did God make flowers?
"Did God make people?"
"Did God make trousers?"
"No, but he made people who made your trousers."
"That was silly. Is God laughing at me?"
"Yes Bea, I think he is."
The conversation concludes and we brush our teeth.