So we have put the scary poster up...
...lit the pumpkin we carved at the Argory...
...fashioned one more....
...created a Storm Trooper...
...filled the party bags...
...made monster buns...
...and a monster eye cake....
...stocked the apothecary with "potted ghosts"...
...and other ghoulish goodies...
...set the table and put the sausages in the oven... must be time for...
Bea's Monster Mash Bash!
As we waited for the bangers (get it?) to cook for our hot dogs, the little people decorated gingerbread pumpkins....
...while the even littler people had their version of hot dogs...
We also had Shrek's Terrifying Tales which FYI is fairly funny and not so terrifying. Thankfully, this was what I was going for when I bought the dvd.
We even let very suspicious characters in, and were quite relieved when Lucas revealed his true identity. We are still not too sure who the other one is...
Then after tea we set off on a spider hunt. The little people hunted spiders downstairs, while the bigger kids had to search for theirs the dark...with only their torches to guide them! (OK...I did put one lamp on and two glow in the dark spiders to help them out....but I had hung a couple of giant cobwebs to add to the thrill.) Incidentally, if you ever consider hosting a monster mash...this game is fabulous, if only for the fact that it kept Bea occupied for an hour this afternoon as she embraced the role of "spider hider" while I baked buns.
"Now all look at the camera and shout SPIDERS"
Yeah..that'll work!
This was "the best" photo
Obviously by "the best" I mean not the worst. I seemed incapable of taking a non blurry photo all night. There was always one bit totally out of focus...perhaps I should consider the use of a flash!
Then it was time to tuck into "Mummy's Apple Pies". Naturally, there were coins and buttons hidden within the apply depths. (When I had finished clearing up and sat down with a cup of tea and a slice this evening...I got the £1...RESULT)
We also cut into the monster's head. He didn't like it much.
Then it was time to decorate some masks.
All the mums and dads were given voting slips at this point and asked to indicate the child with the fanciest fancy dress. Without doubt, the winner was Miss Alana...
With the tiny Scarlett pumpkin attaining a respectable runner up position!
Once the winners were announced, we played a mummy game...because what's a monster mash without a roll of toilet paper to tidy up? Then it was out into the garden for some sparklers.
Yes, I am aware that the traditional "dunking for apples" game was missing. After nearly drowning Zachary last year (deep bucket + huge apple + boy determined to get apple = imminent disaster) we had bought two bags of small apples and checked for long stalks. I had gotten Bea's baby bath from the loft and cleaned it in preparation....Then we completely forgot to dunk for apples. So if you were wondering why we have a baby bath in the shower you know...and if you fancy an know where to come ;)