Friday, 7 June 2013

Seth Jingles

Jo Jingles regularly comes to Bea's nursery school.  I know this because she comes home with a big sticker on her jumper.  Sometimes she will even tell me "Jo came to school today"  So, Seth's Jo Jingles party was really quite exciting.

We sang lots of songs....

...Emily got to cuddle Jo....

...shake maracas...

Beth doesn't like the taste of this popcorn!

Zachary with "two little dicky birds"
(Jacob was off watching the rugby)

Max is...actually, I have no idea what Max is doing!

I think Seth likes this drum!

Molly has Auntie Zels licked


Evie's new hairstyle

Birthday boy

Team Scarlett and another amazing cake (which Seth just can't take his eyes off)

To hear the party click here

Beth's Birthday Bash

Firstly, let me introduce you to....


Had I made it, it would have been sitting on a table in the centre of the hall with flashing Christmas lights all around it.  I would also be wearing a giant badge that said "yes, I made the cake".  But I didn't make it.  Shirley did and that is why the cake was concealed in the kitchen until it was time to sing "Happy Birthday".  Then Beth blew out her candle, I made her pose with her cake and Shirley sliced it.

The cake had naturally followed on from party food.

Which had naturally followed on from the party games....

parachute games

duck, duck, goose

After the party food there was a piƱata...

And during the whole party there was...

Colouring in

The graffiti wall

Face Painting

and of course...

The Bouncy Slide

To see the party, click here

A few little love stories....

Bea has always been just a little bit in love with Zachary.  When she got Scarlett O'Hare (a Moshi Monster) she dissolved into giggles and said "Oh, just like the Scarlett Family.  I must show this to Evie and Zachary and Jacob"  I then promptly forgot about this conversation, until, at Beth's party I spotted Bea tugging on Zachary's hand and then, with delight, introducing him to her Moshi Monster.  Being a well brought up and sensitive soul, Zachary feigned interest.  Just look at the smile his interest produced...also notice the flamingo like excitement...

And how does Zachary really feel about this attention?

Enough said!

But, I didn't accidentally insert a plural above...there was another blossoming of affection....(just don't tell Adam!)