Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Frozen in the summertime

What do you do if your little lady loves "Frozen" and has a birthday in July?


You have a "Frozen in the summertime" party.

Your guests can visit Olaf's Summer beach...

(more "Do you wanna build a sandcastle..." than a snowman)

You might not have Arundel Castle, but you do have a jungle gym which is pretty much the same thing...

...actually, it's's much more fun!

But, if you want to build a snowman, you can...

You might want to make a door hanger to say "Go away Anna!"...or just cover it with stickers and write BFF on it...

Or you might want to paint a magical ice picture...

Of course, the crafts were optional (but everybody did them)

But... there had to be a little door somewhere that anyone could knock and ask "Elsa, do you wanna build a snowman?"

For an authentic Frozen birthday, you do need "big girls" to look up to and rescue, just like Anna rescued Elsa...

Now in "Frozen", Elsa is able to make really good fun snow drifts for Anna to slide on.  In the summer, that is a bit tricky....

Enter the sprinkle slide!

All that splashing and sliding creates a bit of an appetite.  Thank Sven there was no reindeer on the menu, just hot dogs....

But if sweet was better than savoury, there were also snow man top hats and melted Olafs.

... plus some Frozen cake pops...

Miss Emily was delighted with her snowflake one!

 But how do you round off a "Frozen in the summertime" party?

With ICE CREAM of course....

All that remains is the singing of "Happy Birthday" and the blowing out of the candles (before they make Olaf melt!)

And all that remains is to give your guests their party bags...

The conversation that accompanies this photo...

E: Here is your party bag Lucy
L: Thank you
E: You're welcome

E: Open it.
E: Open it.
E: (takes bag...bypasses Jonathan...looks for an adult and asks:) Can you open it?