Bea decided that she wanted a "Build - a - Bear" party shortly after her birthday last year (as she was spending the gift card which Leah gave her for her birthday actually) Despite the condition that she could only invite five friends, she remained committed to the idea.
There is no child so devoted to a toy as Bea is to her "Big Bear". Every morning he gets tucked into bed and kissed as she heads off to school and as soon as she in home, he is immediately cuddled and dragged around the house (normally by an ear or with a hand around his now very floppy neck) At least four times a day we hear a panicked cry of "Where is Big?!" until the two are reunited and off on adventures once again. It thus seemed appropriate for Big Bear to host a teddy bear's picnic for his best friend's birthday and so, Bea and the fabulous five headed off to Build a Bear.
We left after church, and so snacks were required. Thankfully Big Bear provided some bear themed munchies for the journey in the shape of Pom Bear crisps and Barney Bear buns. Mels was hired (I say "hired"...unpaid) to taxi three of the party girls and I took the others to the Build a Bear Workshop.
Once there, it was controlled chaos...
The girls selected their bears, then chose the sound they wanted and then...
...ran to the back of the shop...
"A bear pelt" |
Before you stuff your bear...he needs a heart, so everyone had to choose two hearts. One they held close to their heart (to make their bear loving) and then rubbed on their bottoms (to make their bear a smartypants)...the other heart they held and made a birthday wish for Bea...then they gave her their heart to put inside a big, birthday heart for her bear.
Bea of course had to kiss the birthday heart before inserting it |
If you want your bear to have strong arms for hugs, you've got to show him your muscles as you stuff your bear.
Once's time to fluff up your new furry friend....
Then it was time to play hide and seek in the shop while the other bears got stuffed...
...and fluffed...
Our party host was a little shocked at how decisive the girls were when it came to selecting the outfits for their furry friends.
Then it was time for a group photo...
(of course that one didn't we had another one taken once the bears were boxed up and ready to go home)
Bea's bear had a special little birthday cake with a light up candle which you can blow out...
Back at home there were snacks for the friends who didn't go to town.
There were also teddy bags to be coloured in...
...and smaller bear pelts to be stuffed...
Get stuffing!
These bears got bespoke, designer t-shirts.
Then some of the big girls arrived (apart from Katie, Leah and Bea who Mels took for a milkshake!)
Then it was time for a Teddy Bear's picnic
Bearwiches |
Bea had made some of her own decorations...
(Big hug for our taxi driver)
Then we had two circles for pass the parcel (the prize was pjs for a little bear and a big bear)
...and then we had a game of hot teddy...
Then the teddy bears tried to touch the sky!
Big Bear had been very careless and spilt some sweeties in the front garden, so the children very kindly helped him collect them.
(Big Bear is still Number One) |
Then it was time for "Happy Birthday" and some cake...
Bear cookies |
We finished the afternoon with some silly sack races.
All, in all, Beatrice had a beary happy birthday.
(more photos)