Tuesday 24 July 2012

A rascal no longer

I have a very strange relationship with the word "rascal".  I have done for as long as I can remember.  Whenever it catches me unawares, the back of my throat dries and I find myself swallowing quickly.  Thus it is a word I have in the main, avoided.  Even finding myself in a que of traffic behind a rascal van caused unpleasant swallowing.  I'm sure that there is some medical diagnosis for this odd response (and yes I'm sure "barking mad" covers it)

Imagine my surprise then when looking for nurseries to send Beatrice to my favourite, by a long shot was Rascals.

Beatrice has been going to Rascals once a week since she was 18 months old.  She has always loved it.  She has been loved and well looked after there.  Every afternoon when I collected her I was told "Bea has had a great day...."  I was also informed that she ate everything offered to her.  I also discovered that at Rascals she would drink regular milk which she would refuse at home demanding formula until she was three!

Today was quite a significant day in our family, because it was Bea's last day at Rascals.  For the next few weeks we will be off at Castlewellan and then she will be starting Nursery School and so she set off this morning for her last day at Rascals.  She came home with a scrapbook of some of her artwork over the years and many hugs. 

She also came home to a new scooter.  I had bought it for her for Christmas, but decided that she had more than enough Christmas gifts and so it remained in the attic until today.  I suppose it is her graduation gift.

And so she scoots into a waiting future.  

Thank you Rascals.

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